Opening a FaceTime connection via AppleScript/Automator
The new FaceTime video chat beta is now available from Apple. It allows you to video chat with anyone using that app on any Mac running the service as well as an iPhone 4 or the latest iPod running iOS 4 or better. It’s extremely easy and I can see a lot of great uses for it.
One of the very cool things about it is that you can use a URL to initiate a FaceTime call. As described in this Mac OS X Hints article just use the following syntax:
- facetime://appleid
- facetime://email@address
- facetime://phone# as a URL in Safari’s address bar.
Since you can use a URL that means you can use AppleScript to connect to a session or Automator to even schedule and initiate a call using iCal Alarms.
The only line you need is this:
[codesyntax lang=”applescript] open location “facetime://”[/codesyntax]
Obviously you can use any of the URL syntaxes listed above in place of the email address. Save it as a script/application/workflow and you’re ready to chat!
webmaster :: Oct.22.2010 :: Applescript, Scripts :: 4 Comments »